First blog

06/03/2012 20:15

The club members have all arrived safely to virginia beach.  As I write this, the skaters are out for their 3rd training session of the day.  They were up by 6:00am and on the beach running by 6:30am. We had a wonderful breakfast (courtesy of the awesome moms Svetlana, Brigitte, Theresa, Sarah and Amber). Then the skaters went back out for their second session.  After some running and exercising in the sun, they ate a big lunch and took a nap!  It was so quiet in the house - not a peep from anyone. Some of the moms took a walk on the beach to gather sea shells (shh, don't tell the skaters we were having fun while they were working so hard).  It's dinner and a movie and probably some fun in the pool later this evening.  More later....